Blogger & Social Media Influencer – Ana-Marija Hota
An award winning blog “Life in Dublin”, written by Ana-Maria Hota. She’s a blogger and social media influencer since 2013th. The blog covers many cultural and lifestyle topics. Blog reached more than 2 million views in 100+ countries all over the world.
Ana-Maria Hota loves food, travel, and most of all, she loves people. Finding inspiration in other people’s stories, writing about them, exploring the city’s hot spots and meeting people from all corners of the globe is why she considers herself a very lucky person.
She finds Dublin a vibrant city, and Ireland a fair country for people of all cultural backgrounds. She loves everything digital, and she’s a Digital Marketer.
Fashion and beauty professional background helps her to see and caption everything beautiful in our surroundings, and it’s interesting for local Dubliners to see Dublin through her eyes.
Although she loves Dublin, she’s planning to travel to many parts of Ireland and the rest of the world and share her stories in this blog.
Ana-Maria, originally from Croatia finds life of expats an endless topic, from adjustments to the new culture and a new city, from homesickness and loneliness, to the excitement and thrill of the new experiences, new revelations, and a new way of thinking.
A new way of living, while staying true to yourself.