Life in Dublin

Life is so weird, strangely beautiful, sometimes very cruel

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A long time has passed since I last wrote. I am currently enjoying my new job, all of a sudden a month is gone, time flies! The emails you have sent are really touching, I just cannot believe how my little blog has influenced the lives of some of you. The saddest thing is when I read about people who have failed to find a job when my blog has been a part of what motivated some of you to come here. Fortunately, there are others who were more lucky. We’re adults, everyone knows that sometimes everything does not flow smoothly, there is no guarantee for anything and there are reasons for everything that happens.

Giro dItalia Dublin

If you do not succeed at first and you have to go back, do not view it as something bad, it has been a huge experience from which you can learn a lot and it gives you the foundation to prepare for new attempts. Some of your closest friends and family will be happy because of your failure, they might drive you crazy with derogatory comments. Instead, deflect their negativity by planning your next move, when everything will work out as you hope. Karma will take care of the naysayers eventually.

Giro dItalia Dublin

In some strange way my typing had helped to save a marriage and also helped a single mother to come here and find a job. (Big kisses to you both by the way) “Life is so weird, strangely beautiful and sometimes very cruel. Anything is possible if you get up again a hundred times over…

Giro dItalia Dublin

The last few weeks were very interesting and eventful, we met a beautiful Croatian family who moved from Germany to Dublin two years ago. We had a great time and are arranging to meet again soon.

I had a night out that I won’t forget, I hadn’t laughed so much or had so much fun for a long time. One friend was the ringleader, howling at a waiter from the balcony, “Hey, babyyyy, doll, hey doooll, beep, beep, beep”. The fact was that his girlfriend was next to him did not even slow her down.

The guy was obviously accustomed to females flirting, he literally did not even bat an eyelid or turn around. The best part of being out with those girls is that there’s no way that someone is going to approach and bother you, or if they did it would be a really interesting scenario.

Giro dItalia Dublin

The other day the “Giro d’Italia” cycling tour had a brief event next to my apartment, their tour bus stopped and the public had the opportunity to buy sponsorship shirts and other promotion merchandise. It was so enjoyable massively, the atmosphere was euphoric as the cyclists were passing by.

Recently, I met Fionn Davenport, he is such an interesting man. (For anyone who reading from outside of Ireland he is a well-known tv and media presenter and writer). He visited some of the cities in Croatia like Pula, Zadar, Split, and Dubrovnik and said that Dubrovnik is beautiful but a bit boring. He told about how during the time of ex.Yugoslavia, he shared an apartment with people from the film industry, who were citizens from some of ex republics and by nationality Croats, Serbs, Bosnians and Slovenes. He declared that we have an excellent sense of humour, sarcastic, like the Irish. He believes that our humour has a close relation to and is strongly influenced by war, so we harden and love black humour. He said that we the Balkans are the most interesting people in the world, passionate, smart and intelligent. He described his love for the movie “No Man’s Land” directed by Danis Tanovic, starring Rene Bitorajac, Filip Sovagovic, Branko Đuric and he knew that the movie was awarded an Oscar. It was a phenomenal conversation. From now on I’m the only person responsible for his hair, he declared.  He laughed when I asked him his first name and surname with wonder: “Ha, ha, will you google me?” I said: “Well of course, I google everything…”


Talk to you soon.

